Monday, February 22, 2010

Mr & Mrs Chad Duncan

So, I started this just as an update on the Weir Family facebook page and it became rather lengthy...So, someone wise said to me "Why don't you just blog and put a link to your blog on the page?" Thanks Steph! :o)

The wedding day was completely unstressful and such a great day! It was cloudy and that was an answer to Mel's prayers. Why? Because "clouds are better for outdoor pictures!" Of COURSE...why didn't I think of that! :o)

We got up and just relaxed, sitting around with coffee and snacks, just talking and having a great time together. After Stephanie finished Lyssa's hair and all of us getting ourselves ready, a little bit at a time, we went to the church to get Lys in her dress, take some pictures and get ready to walk that isle. Were we ready for this? I kept asking Scott and neither one of us could answer...

I didn't cry until I went to get Scott to see his beautiful daughter ready and waiting in her dress, to be given away by him and myself. Then the tears fell...How can it be possible that the little baby that God gave to us just over 18 years ago, was going to be a wife? She really was ready to leave us and cleave to her husband. There she was, standing on the other side of the door, I opened it up and her Dad was completely in awe of how beautiful she was...truly shining from the inside out! The tears were tears of joy, that God had given us such an amazing gift for a short time. He trusted us with this baby, who was now a woman.


I think we did ok. I think that God was smiling down from heaven, because even though we weren't perfect as parents, here she was, trusting God with her life. Her new life as Mrs Chad Duncan. I can't say that at that moment, I wasn't proud. Because I was...I was SO proud. I was proud that my daughter had chosen a man of God to be her husband. That they together were seeking Him. Proud that she went through so much and could easily be bitter and far away from God, but she chose to draw in closer to Him. Proud that her beauty was from the inside and not just outward. Proud that God had chosen US to be her parents. It was a pride that came from God, not because of anything I had done, or Scott & I had done, but what GOD had done THROUGH us! I was so thankful and so grateful to have been given such a blessing, that I think at that moment, my question was answered...we were ready to let go, BUT, let go for God's purpose for her...for God's plan for them.

Well, enough of the mushy stuff... :o)

The ceremony was candlit and beautful! Small, just the way they wanted it, with just the closest of family and friends. Everyone smiling and laughing and everyone there to wish the happy couple the best for their future together. They had their first dance, shoved entire cupcakes into one another's mouths, took beautiful pictures and off they went...

Mr and Mrs Chad Duncan.

It was an incredible day...for us all!

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