Saturday, January 9, 2010

What is love?

...and now these three remain, faith, hope and love. But the great of these is love.
So, I was asked the other day by someone dear to my heart..."What is true love?" I have really been thinking about that lately and have a few thoughts, but not sure if this is my definition or something that we could all define as "true love"...
I have had the joy of watching my oldest daughter "fall in love" and find the one that God has placed in her life to be her husband. I think that is what has gotten him (my husband) thinking about the meaning of true love and it makes me think back to the first time that I KNEW that Scott was the one for me, my true love.
The day I saw the young boy that I had "loved" changed into a man. The day that he sent me my promise ring safety pinned to a card. The day he took me to overlook the beautiful city and asked me to be his wife. The day I saw him at the end of the aisle, waiting for me to become his wife. I never thought I could love him any more that I did...each and every one of those times. And now, here it is 21 years, 5 months and 3 days later and guess what? I love him even more today than I did then.
But...I know that this love, this long time love, is a different love than it was 20 years ago. This is the love that has withstood babies, toddlers, preteens and now teenagers. Loss of family members & friends. A season without a job, a time that we were so disconnected and really weren't much of a family. Living our lives without God & finally coming back to Him. Times of heartache and pain, joy and sorrow, laughter and tears. It was not an easy road, but I know that I can look back now and know that God placed each and every one of those things in my life for a reason.
It showed me the meaning of true love.
In my husband, my best friend, I found true love. He was my rock, when I couldn't stand. He was my comfort, when the tears kept falling. He was my laughter, when I didn't think I could smile anymore. He was my friend, when everyone turned their back on me. He was my soldier, fighting a battle, when I wanted to give up.
And you know what I started thinking about?...
In my God, my Heavenly Father, I also found true love. Because this is what GOD does for me...every day! Can you believe that? He does this for ME...for YOU!
He never gives up. He keeps loving and forgiving and asking me to come back. No matter how much I hurt Him, how much I forget about Him...HE IS RIGHT THERE! With arms held open wide...forgiving me again and again and again. I have learned through my husband, my marriage and MY GOD the meaning of

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